Law Religion Culture Review

Exploring the intersections of law, religion and culture. Copyright by Richard J. Radcliffe. All rights reserved.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Randy Pausch: The Lecture After The Last Lecture.

For those who enjoyed my review of Dr. Randy Pausch's The Last Lecture (see May 5, 2008, post), here is a short video of his commencement address to the May, 2008, graduates of Carnegie Mellon:

As Shakepeare wrote in Hamlet, "Brevity is the soul of wit," Dr. Pauch wittily emphasizes only a few points:

1. Express gratitude;
2. Find and follow passion;
3. Live well, without regret;
4. Elevate relationships over things; and
5. Love, defined by putting another's happiness over your own.

UPDATE: Here is my post about Randy Pausch's religion:

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